"Problem Solving" strategies from the first few weeks of school will be used over and over throughout the year. The test will be next Wednesday (September 9); I will assign a "Problem of the Week" each Monday and the answer will be due (in the 4 step format) each Friday. The basic strategy we will be using for solving word problems is:
The 4 step plan - SEE, PLAN, DO, CHECK
Read the problem out loud.
Circle or Highlight the important words and numbers
Underline the Question and Restate in your own words
Choose a strategy:
Work Backwards
Guess and Check
Simplify the problem
Use a chart or table
Make an organized list
Draw a picture or diagram
Act it out or use objects
Find a pattern
Use Logic
Eliminate wrong/unreasonable answers
Do -
Show ALL your work and draw a box around your answer
Check -
Is your answer reasonable? (Does it make sense?)
Unit Organizer
Labels: problem solving, unit, unit organizer